26 Tahun Pernikahan, Inul Daratista persembahkan lagu MAS ADAM AKU TRESNO untuk suami tercinta!

26 Tahun Pernikahan, Inul Daratista persembahkan lagu MAS ADAM AKU TRESNO untuk suami tercinta!


Siapa bilang hidup di dunia hiburan tidak mungkin memiliki kisah cinta yang tak lekang oleh apapun?


Bunda Inul dan Mas Adam, sang suami mampu membuktikannya. Kurang lebih seperempat abad menikah dan mengalami pasang surut hubungan seperti yang dialami oleh pasangan-pasangan lainnya, ditambah godaan-godaan ekstra di ranah hiburan, toh tidak membuat pasangan ini menyerah untuk berjuang mempertahankan hubungan mereka.

Beberapa kali di wawancara oleh beragam media, Inul mengatakan bahwa hubungan mereka tidaklah mudah dipertahankan. Saat bertengkar terkadang ada yang mengalah tetapi cukup sering juga berakhir saling diam dan bahkan pernah berasa benci. Kejenuhan pun juga kerap melanda, belum lagi masalah yang muncul bukan hanya dari intern mereka sebagai pasangan. Isu-isu kontroverisal hingga hujatan-hujatan tak berdasar juga turut melelahkan masing-masing mereka secara personal.


Untungnya, Inul bukanlah sosok lemah dan Mas Adam tetap secara profesional menjadi manajer yang baik bagi Inul. Bersama, mereka terus menyibukkan diri berkarya di dunia musik dan aktif sebagai pengusaha.

Mulai dari bisnis karaoke Inul Vizta yang telah memilki banyak cabang, usaha kuliner Mie Burung Dara dan Inul Food yang memproduksi snack tanpa MSG, bisnis kosmetik Inul Beauty berbadan usaha PT. Ratu Pesona Semesta, kepemilikan Saygon Water Park di Pasuruan, Inul Cakes & Pastry yang merupakan wadah kreatif Inul di bidang cakery, hingga yang terbaru adalah restoran makanan Korea bernama Yongdaeri di Jakarta.

Di ranah musik dangdut, Inul tetap padat berkarya sebagai penyanyi, juri di beragam kontes penyanyi dangdut, dan vocal coach. Entah sudah berapa banyak single yang sudah dihasilkan Inul dan belum ada tanda-tanda darinya untuk mundur sebagai penyanyi dangdut yang gencar menegaskan bahwa “dangdut is the music of my country dan yang paling mampu menjangkau semua kalangan masyarakat, dangdut bukanlah musik murahan dan norak”.

Terbukti dengan dirinya kembali merilis single terbaru yang bukan saja untuk terus meramaikan musik dangdut Indonesia, tetapi juga sebagai persembahan wujud cintanya kepada Mas Adam. Dimana akhirnya mereka mampu menjadi pasangan yang samawa setelah dua puluh enam tahun menikah. Terutama demi anak mereka, Yusuf Ivander Damares. Single ini terwujud setelah Inul berhasil merilis dua single di tahun 2020, “SEOLAH SEMPURNA”dan “SEINDAH PELANGI”.


Single teranyarnya ini dirilis pada 21 Februari 2021 secara exclusive di JOOX platform music digital dan tentu saja di MAKSI MUSIC official youtube channel, label musik tempat Inul terus berkarya bersama beberapa artis dangdut lainnya.

Berjudul “MAS ADAM, AKU TRESNOis a very clear statement of how much she loves him. Sedikit blend dengan sentuhan Bahasa Jawa membuat single ini sangat layak untuk disimak. Siapa tahu single dari Inul ini bisa meng-encourage para pasangan agar saling setia walaupun harus menghadapi ujian hidup, saling support dan memaafkan satu sama lain.

Pantengin INDOSIAR  dan MAKSI MUSIC official youtube channel 29 Maret 2021, single ini launching di keduanya lho and there will be so much loves in the air!




Who said that you will not have an everlasting love when you work at the entertainment industry?

Bunda Inul and Mas Adam is an example and a living proof on this case. Been married for 25 years and so, they have been through so many things, whether goods or bads just like the other married couples. Plus the extras on bunch of “sweet temptations” which mostly appeared in the entertainment industry. But those things never made them to giving up on their marriage.

For few times, Inul said to the media that it was never easy to maintain the marriage. So many arguments and disagreements showed between her and her husband. When they are on their stubborn-ness mode, it will ended by keep being silence on each other. But sometimes, one of them will become the cool-headed one and comforting the other one. It is very rare, but happened, when they feel like they hate each other too. This tiring schemes not only caused by their own, but seldomly affected by the controversial issues and gossips from the outsiders, these really worn them out personally.


Gladly, Inul is not a weak person and Mas Adam keep being a pros on his role as Inul’s manager, in work and life. Together, they keep busy and productive. In music and other businesses.

And here are what they have been on to: Inul Vizta Karaoke that already have some branches in Indonesia, Mie Burung Dara – a noodle factory, Inul Food that produced non-MSG snacks, Inul Beauty Cosmetics – PT. Ratu Pesona Semesta, Inul Cakes and Pastry – where Inul shows the creative side of her in pastry, and the fresh one is the Korean Reastaurant named Yongdaeri in Jakarta.

In dangdut, Inul stick her clawas very tight. She is a singer, judges in various dangdut singing contest, and also a vocal coach. Have no idea about how many singles that she already made and there is no sign of stopping from her – she also the one who loudly announced that dangdut is the music of my country and can reach audiences widely from every level of society. Dangdut is not a gimcrack and tacky music genre.

She made more steps by releasing her newest single. This one is not only to keep her track in dangdut, but also presented to Mas Adam, her way to show her love to him. To be grateful that they finally settled calmly in their twenty-six-years marriage, where the existence of their only child – Yusuf Ivander Damares – also become their strongest reason for them to hold on together. This newest single released just after the release of Inul’s singles in 2020, “SEOLAH SEMPURNA”and “SEINDAH PELANGI”.


On February 21st 2021 been released exclusively on JOOX platform music digital and of course at MAKSI MUSIC official youtube channel, the music label that support Inul and some others dangdut singers.

Titled “MAS ADAM, AKU TRESNO”, obviously a very clear statement of how much she loves him. Become more worth to noticed, because there are Bahasa Jawa in some lines on the lyrics. The hidden hope of this single is to encourage most couples to be loyal each other no matter how hard the obstacle they have to deal with, keep supporting and forgiving each other.

Keep an eye on INDOSIAR and  MAKSI MUSIC official youtube channel on March 29th 2021, the show will be launched on both and guaranteed to be so much love in the air.


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